Sunday, May 31, 2009

Brakes and my bro.

If any of you have read Heidi's blog then you might have seen that I replaced the brakes on my man van. Thanks to my brother Mike and one of his employees My brakes are done. I basically watched while the two of them showed me how it was done. Now I know and knowing is half the battle. ( Thanks G.I. Joe!!!). The brakes only cost about thirty dollars and a half an hour of my life. I can't believe how expensive it is to have somebody else change my brakes for me. Last time I had it done, I spent a few hundred dollars. What a rip!!
School is out for the summer and my life at work is about to get even more hectic. The student are gone which is a bonus but now I have really tedious work a head of me. Having said that I am very grateful to be employed. There are plenty of people out of work right now.
Peace out! I'm taking my posse home to jump on the trampoline.

Sunday, May 24, 2009

It has been forever since my last post. Since I have started my new job, I find myself with less time and more stress. I guess that is why my assistant says I make the big bucks. I'm not sure what he is talking about. Maybe my big pay checks are being sent to another person with my name. If that is true, then I'm going on a hunt. I feel the blood lust rising and my eyesight improving by the second. Look out!
Today, I was home with Carter playing computer games. I have been pointing to places on Carter's torso and asking him "What is in there?" He usually responds with the correct term, stomach, Heart bones etc. I pointed at his head and posed the question, he responded "Poo Poo" Holy Cow! I almost fell off my chair from laughing so hard. I'm amazed at my boys sense of humor. I love it when they make me laugh. There aren't too many people that can get a good deep laugh out of me but my little Gump (Carter) and Short bus(Davis) sure can!
I better get going. I finished home teaching early and the fam is home sleeping( lucky!) and I don't want to suffer the wrath of my significant other if she finds out I'm enjoying myself.(I'm teasing sweetie).
Happy Sunday!!