Monday, November 10, 2008

My first time. Be gentle.

Well, i told Heidi that I was going to start a blog and she got excited enough that she wanted to set it up for me. I beat her to the punch. Look at me I did something by myself and it seems to work. 
I have been spending time reading family members blogs and I realized that some stories aren't being told from the most entertaining point of view, MINE. I hope to post regularly but life has a funny way of telling you what to do so lets see what happens.

Heidi is working herself crazy. I ask her to slow down and take it easy once in a while but she is always on the go. Carter and Davis drive me crazy (short trip) but I wouldn't trade them for anything. They are my only guy friends right now. Not much time for anything else and I love it. Being a father is the best thing in the world. Fathers work so hard. Once in a while the hard work pays off when your children succeed at something and prove that they aren't retarded in spite of their paternal bloodline.

I have to get back to work. I love cleaning up puke from other people's children.

1 comment:

Davis and Carter's Mommy said...

I love the blog! No surprise there. I was surprised to hear you love being a dad so much, I think you are like me and like the boys so much more when you aren't with them. :)